15 August 2009

Alles ist die Noppe

This film, titled 'Alles ist die Noppe' (All is the Stud) is possibly my favourite Brickfilm ever. Yes, it may have topped Unrenewable!

This film may look brilliant on the outside, but it has a firm base in philosophy as well as having similarities with communism. The film's description reads 'The Lego System is inhumane. Wedged into a fixed structure, always in the same lanes, with a fixed smile on its face. How can an outbreak succeed if [this structure] is omnipresent?'

But, putting the philosophical context to one side, this film is truly amazing. Beautifully lit (I loved the shot with the train and the 'sun' behind it), with great effects and - something we don't often see in a Brickfilm - the sets are wonderfully made. Making use of SNOT in several places, and with real attention to detail (see the tram, especially). This film is certainly unique and one you can watch again and again.

Alles ist die Noppe from nichtgedreht on Vimeo.


Anonymous said...

btw, Noppe means stud.

John said...

Ah, thank you! Sorry for my misunderstanding. Is it the word 'stud' in general, or just a Lego stud?

Anonymous said...

alles= all
ist= is
die= the
noppe= stud

yes, a lego stud. this is my favorite video ever i watch it all the time btw, 4/5 of those ratings are mine, seriously

Anonymous said...

hay its me (from the comment above)
i just saw the brick film unrenewable, pretty good i think it should be longer, getting to the point, alles ist die noppe is way better than unrenewable so if you really like this video watch welltrafer which i will be commenting on, btw if you see the sign !?! its me.