30 September 2008

Our Staff

Here at Brickspace, we have a dedicated team of staff that strives to give you the best of the Lego community. On this page, you can learn a bit more about them and contact them if you have a question about one of their posts.



Sadly, all our members have to leave sometime. This is the obituary for those who have come and gone. Farewell!

TEIKJOON -- 13.2.09 - 2.09.09
GENESIS -- 13.09.08 - 3.10.08

29 September 2008

HUGE castle!

Wow, I'm not sure if I've seen a minifig-scale building that's bigger than this one. Y'know, it's getting very hard to find stuff that isn't from Nathan Sawaya. It's starting to annoy me.

27 September 2008

Giger's Alien gets wet

I'm in an Alien mood this month, so sorry if you don't like it. This picture particularly appealed to me because of its background, and the water droplets on the Alien. It could be a shot from a Brickfilm! Whoever made this has certainly done H.R Giger's Alien justice. ;-D

25 September 2008

Sawaya likes flowers

Well, at least he likes sniffing them. Doubtless this is one of the ex-lawyer's creations. It looks good, but half of it is shoved up his nose.

24 September 2008


RAWR! I'm in a good mood today, so I'll post another of my cool pics I used for the new header. Well, actually, I'm always in a good mood! lol! So, here is a vignette of a 'Predator', as in the film 'Alien vs. Predator'. I've never seen a Predator before, since the film is so dark you can't see anything! Oh, I saw the film Alien too. It was very strangely directed. So, I'll give you three guesses as to who designed this...come on, you should know this...come on...oh well, it was Nathan Sawaya, the lawyer-turned-LEGO artist. Ok, bye!
ps. Don't forget that October 1st is National Brachiosaurus Day!

22 September 2008

Post-Apocalyptic Robot

ARGH! If you thought that huge LEGO minifig in the last post was scary, check this dude out! I'm sure as hell he's based on something from a video game, but I'm not a video game mainiac, so I wouldn't know. This creation is really cool, but I don't know who made it, 'cos I just did a google image search for 'cool lego creations', in making the new banner for this blog. lol.

Lego city & Oversized man

This big scary looking man (With no nose... AARGH!) and this massive town/city was found by ErasureMode. You should check out his profile as he has lots of other cool photos.

- Luke, Editor

F1 Car

This full sized F1 car was found by Iniko at the "Idea park 08".

- Luke, Editor

1959 Cadilac

This is a 1959 cadilac by SimonWillems. I can't be bothered to write anything else, but you have to say it's pretty cool.

- Luke, Editor

21 September 2008

The penguin that went to places and stuff

It's been a long day, and I'm too tired to write a good description for this one. Anyways, it's a penguin in lots of different places, but the pics are a little noisy (ie. High ISO).

[Gold 09.08] Man taking his head off

Remember that dissolving man I showed you? And that alien bursting out of the Lego plate (actually HR Giger's Alien, from Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien)? Well, they were both made by the lawyer-turned artist Nathan Sawaya. Here's another of his works, a man taking his head off. It's got a cool BoB watermark 'cos I edited out the background. Enjoy!

Updated site!

Hi, guys! I hope you like the updated site, with some new pics in the banner and a new logo at the bottom. If you, or anyone you know, would like to join Best of Brickshelf, please email me at crescent_studios@mac.com, and I'll let you in so you can make posts too. There will be some cool pics coming up soon. Enjoy!


16 September 2008

Mini Micro car thing!?!

Aw, isn't this just the CUTEST liddle car you've ever seen? It is for me! Many thanks to Smarth, for making me whimper like a little girl when seeing this pic, his creation. Brickshelf ID 59599.

14 September 2008

London bendy bus

Ok, well here's a LEGO Bendy London Bus I found on the internet, with other cars and stuff. There's a whole theme of London-related stuff, like underground trains and landmarks. It's actually part of Legoland Windsor.

13 September 2008


This is the greatest fountain that I have ever seen on the internet.

Beijing- Lego style!

Hi guys! I'm now going to be helping John with the blog (YAY!) and to start off, I've got a really cool thing to show you. The Beijing Olympics... Lego style.
More than 300,000 bricks and 4,500 people were used to make it. It was created by the "Hong Kong Lego User Group" (Whatever that is). It's not on Brickshelf, but it's still pretty cool!

- Luke, Editor


I've been searching the net again. I found this very strange spacecraft, called the 'Spiffcraft'. Though dusty, dirty and built with that old manky-coloured grey bricks (and including that ugly minifig), I think this creation is actually pretty well designed. Well done to Xcalibur, whose Brickshelf ID is 242.

Yar har har, it be thar ship-of-the-line!

Yar har har this creation be very inventive, with its clever use of that thar technic brick and stuff. Yar, the scallywag who made this be calling 'imslef 'BuilderQ'. The landlubber's Brickshelf ID be 18234!

More Antony Lau

I've just searched AntonyLau's Brickshelf galleries and found loads more great stuff. I really recommend his stuff to you guys. Here's a micro-scale bus that I found. He also made a London bus, but, though blurry, I think this one is better. He lives in Japan so I think it's a Japanese bus.

TV crew truck

Here's one of my favourite creations, a simple TV truck with a trailer and a little crane-bit for the camera-man to sit on and get the best angle. Made by my new favourite Brickshelf user, Antony Lau. ID 118.

Quarz Metropolitan

Now, though I've never been a fan of real cars, there's something about LEGO cars that really piques my curiosity. Here's some sort of car or other, can't be bothered to copy out the make and model (and I also don't care). Made by billryan, Brickshelf ID 16254.

Blue Ganmen

There's something about this adorable Exo-Force MOC that really appeals to me. It's probably the face, with the red eyes and white teeth. I also like the clever building tecniques in the feet and hands. Made by TheEvilGingivitis, Brickshelf ID 61966.

7 September 2008

September Brickspace Gold

And the winner of the September bricksspace gold is...
Du dum, du dum, du dum (Heartbeat)

Remember that dissolving man I showed you? And that alien bursting out of the Lego plate (actually HR Giger's Alien, from Ridley Scott's 1979 film Alien)? Well, they were both made by the lawyer-turned artist Nathan Sawaya. Here's another of his works, a man taking his head off. It's got a cool BoB watermark 'cos I edited out the background. Enjoy!