14 March 2010

Lego Building School

From Linus Bohman, the guy who brought us The Fadmasher, comes a revolutionary Lego application. It's called the Lego Building School, it's easy to use, and it houses (or will house) all the Lego tutorials that currently exist on the internet. It's a very very useful tool, I've just been trying it out. I strongly suggest you have a go at using it, whether you're a building amateur or an expert. 

You should also be able to see some of Brickspace's tutorials on there too, sometime.


6 March 2010


I absolutely love this modular apartment building from dita_svelte. It's based off a building in Sydeny's King's Cross and Pott's Point suburbs. It's meant to be in an Art Deco and Spanish Colonial Revival style, like many of the buildings seen in those suburbs. It's even got some great minifigs to match. There are some amazing piece uses here: notice the green Toy Story soldier bases on the trees, and the roof made of jumpers is a neat touch too.


4 March 2010

Mark V Tank

Early Tanks were a strange affair and they are difficult to capture in LEGO - but I think stgeorg6 has done a great job with this Mark V model.  The armoured sides are perfect and the angles spot on, and I love those tracks as well.

Dr. S.

3 March 2010

"You figurians never cease to amuse me!"

In this new episode of the Nightly News at Nine, it's not all about Malifios. Zondar Silverspine explains the war between orange and green, as the two battling colours flatten cities and change people's colour preferences forever!

As Zondar would say, "I'll see you tomorrow, unless you die in the night! Ho ho ho!"


Mix 'n' Match

Ever stuck for a new theme to build in? Do you find yourself always building in the same old boring themes? Are you sick of the usual fads? Well, Linus Bohman has an answer to your problems. It's the ingenious Fadmasher - a simple online app for mixing 'n' matching fads. Go check it out!


1 March 2010

Ich bin ein Berliner

Time to break my long silence and return to golf. To all those who I have disappointed, I am so sorry. I am returning at the Berlin PGA tournament - where I saw the famous landmarks: the Brandenburg Gate, the Reichstag and the Siegessaeule (Victory Column, where President Obama spoke). In LEGO form! Utterly brilliant.