30 May 2009

Minifig Stands.

I thought Brickspace readers might like to read my thoughts on the new Minifig Stands - so this is a repeat of an entry from my own personal Blog over at Tabletown.

According to the UK distributor, I'm the first person in the country (aside from him) to get my hands on a set of these. Dunno if that's correct, but there you go. Produced by Minifig World, available from Minifig For Life in the UK and featured on The Brothers Brick.

Here's the packaging.

Ten of these for £6.00. Here's the top and bottom.

As you can see, they do stack.

The packet suggests that with these stands you can get your Minifigs to:
1) Stand on one leg. Check.
2) Bend over. Check.
3) Hold items. Check - although as you will see with this alien meteorite held by the middle Doctor Sinister clone, he has to bend backwards or the whole lot tips over, stand and all. But then I did choose a deliberately ridiculous item to hold.

I think these will be really handy for display purposes, but what would be even handier would be if they were transparent and/or thinner with perhaps a single stud so they could be posed in a diorama unobtrusively. Now THAT would be handy!

Dr. S.

Dutch bikes

You know that feeling where you wake up and the first thing that pops into your head is 'Holland'? Well, that happened to me this morning when I woke up (yes, I DO sleep, you know), and so I dug up this beauty of a scene with a lot of bikes, Dutch shops, red buildings and people with hats.

29 May 2009

Achtung! Spitfire!

This stunning recreation of a British Spitfire in LEGO is by none other than the LEGOMonster himself - Ed' Diment. Given the limited lack of pieces available in dark green he's done a fantastic job.

28 May 2009

Cute as a button.

These "Button" starfighters by Legohaulic certainly look like fun to fly - and probably come with a high Swoosh Factor to boot. Those canopies are great and the colours are just right. Apparently the squadron motto is "Too Cute to Shoot" - perfect.

27 May 2009

Pagano is back!

Yup, you heard right: our good friend David Pagano is back, and he's animating for TLG again. This time he's making a series of short movies to promote the new Space Police product line. Below is the first episode, and it's a relief to see that it's phenomenally better than his last TLG outing with Go Miniman Go!. The special effects have been stepped up a notch (a large notch), though whether they are Pagano's or whether TLG got some guys in to help in, we don't quite know. All we know is that this is gonna be one great series!

New Agents 2.0 sets and minifigs

One product line that we very rarely feature here is Agents, which this summer enters its second series (2.0). The main reason why I haven't posted about new Agents sets is because I never really liked them - I still want another Alpha Team series, if you're wondering. But these new sets caught my eye with their great minifigs (I'm a minifig fan). So here's a quick overview of the new Agents 2.0 minifigs...

In the new Robo Attack set we have a great variety of new minifig torsos and faces, including Dr Inferno and his wacky hair and arm. Aside from some boring old agents, we've got a great hippie with a reversible face, a new woman torso thing, red hair, goatee man and that Lego Factory ex-exclusive Classic Space torso is finally set in stone in this set. Hoorah!

River Heist comes with some gnarly minifigs too, including green Dooku-hair (which Sir Nadroj is already very happy about ) and red Irina Spalko hair.

And, to cap it all off, there's this dude with some wacky green hair (which looks like one of those Twister ice-creams you get here in the UK) in the 4-Wheeling Pursuit set.

Oh, and there's also some other sets , but they haven't got notable minifigs, so they're not featured. Ha.


26 May 2009

New Vintage Minifigure Collection Announced!

VMC III!, originally uploaded by L.D.M..
The third and in my opinion the best Vintage Minifigure Collection yet. We see yet another Yellow Spaceman, a BLACK FALCON!, and Imperial Soldier with and unprinted shako, a basic chef, and an old favorite in my opinion, the western general. This is definitely a must buy on my list.

BrickWorld 2009 Coming Soon!

As some of you readers may notice BrickWorld 2009 is less than a month a way and there is only one day left to register and be guaranteed a goody bag and name badge. It is now approaching its third year and will be in the Westin Hotel just outside of Chicago and all registered attendees will also be given up to a %20 discount at the LEGO Store during the special LEGO Store event.

In other news regarding BrickWorld members can participate in fun activities including collaborative displays like the Pirate Display, Great Ball Contraption and the new MicroPolis collaboration. There will also be plenty of contests and even a raffle.

BrickWorld has also announced that Board of Directors member Kjeld Kirk Kristiansen and CEO/Chief Executive Officer Jørgen Vig Knudstorp will be attending the convention and bringing the LEGO spirit with them. I'm sure John will be more than pleased by that announcement.

I will be attending as a registered attendee and sharing hundreds of photos that will be shown on this site and an even larger gallery will be available on my Flickr Stream.

Until the event in a little less than a month enjoy some photos from BrickWorld 2008.

And on June 18 look for the first of five posts all dedicated to the convention.
Photos will be from June 18, June 19, June 20, June 21, and a final post to wrap up the convention.


25 May 2009

Sir Nadroj's Mechs

Our good friend Jordan Schwartz (Sir Nadroj ) has been hard at work building various Mechs (or Mecha?) for the MECHA HUB's Civilian Mecha Contest .

Firstly there's my favourite, the Subterranean Causeway Mech ...

 Then there's the 'Black Nectar ', an insect-like flying beast with great use of Magnaguard cloaks as papery wings.

And finally there's the Grand Architect , a towering Mech reminiscent of Schwartz' God-mech which he built a few weeks ago (and which I found was amazing and unique). My only problem with this mech is the legs-they just don't look right. And the head's quite strange too. Ah well.

So I hope, for his sake, that he wins.

Join the Race!

With new Wave Racers. Wave Racers are a little concept I came up with to hopefully spark an interest in the community. You can check out the new group here and in the group you will find qualification, rules, examples, etc., etc. Now here are two that I have made for the group.

The only things I blog are things I build of course.

24 May 2009

Cyclops has Arrived!

Space Police fun!, originally uploaded by Legohaulic.
Or at least in Tyler Clites (Legohaulic) mind is has where he used elements from some of the new space police sets to design some fantastic minifigure.

In other new Space Police sets are now available at TRUs across the United States. I know I will be checking mine ASAP.

VR-5b Chaser

VR-5b Chaser, originally uploaded by peterlmorris.
Peter Morris builds a nice sleek new model with inspiration from Legohaulic Tyler Clites, but this design is all its own. The yellow and light bley go great together and if those colors don't win you over than the engine will.

Ready for Arial Attack

Cole brings us another fantastic design this time based on concept art. The cockpit idea is great and those rotors are fantastic. You better watch out when this machine is ready to battle.

22 May 2009

Nnenn's 'Bantam'

It's time again to review one of Nnenn 's Lego spaceships, and - with no surprise - it fits Nnenn's typical spaceship shape. Yup, this latest spaceship (the Bantam ) is nothing but another of Nnenn's typical (but not dull) shaped-ships. What I love about this ship is the hanger , with some great SNOTed arrows and door shapes, which makes this spaceship-hanger pair much more appealing.

21 May 2009

Decontamination Centre

I'm back! Well, you probably thought I was never gone, but I was. But I'm back now, and I thought I'd make up for my gone-ness with a creation I found on Sunday which I thought was amazing.

This is a post-apoc decontamination site from the Legohaulic which immediately caught my eye with some excellent building techniques (note the plates of glass on the walls of the greenhouse, the people's large helmets made of visors from old Technic people and the staggered base). So enjoy!


18 May 2009

It's the Enterprise Jim...but not as you might know it.

In fact with a Star Trek film out, I'm not being topical at all - this microscale model by kv_draugaer is of the Aircraft Carrier USS Enterprise and it's lovely. I particularly like the defensive (AA?) guns on the side and the tiny aircraft are adorable.

Dr. S.

16 May 2009

Mac Dashboard widget

Recently, I was playing around on my mac when I came across an application for making dashboard widgets. After a couple of hours of messing around I managed to make a half decent dashboard app, which you can download by clicking here. With this cool app, you'll never miss a Brickspace post. You can browse the latest Brickspace posts from the comfort of your mac dashboard. Unfortunately, it's only for macs but I will look in to any windows alternatives. Please try it out, and I hope you like it! Below are some screen shots...


I haven't posted in ages, and I'm sorry, but I've been really busy (I haven't even made much progress on JVK #7 - gasp!). So, to make up for my absence, here's an amazing creation by legoloverman from about a month ago, a vignette depicting a wasteland in a post-apoc society . There's been much debate over what the tire swing symbolises, and here's my opinion:
"There are no children left in this post-apoc vignette. The tire swing is a symbol of things that have been: a happy, playful society. Now all that is left is the remnants of children, of civilisation."
Woah. Deep.


15 May 2009

I'm not really sure what this is...

...but it's really rather cool. Excellent work as ever, if slightly weird, by Sir Nadroj. The joints in particular are rather clever.

Dr. S.