Some of you may have noticed the recent number of posts I have been making with my new BrickArms on my Flickr photostream. Anyway those photos were the 'play test' where I can get a feel and even though the prototypes are always different (plastic used, modifications, etc.) I hope I can give everyone an idea of the new BrickArms products that will soon be released.

First up we have the GOW2 and it also sport the new rust color Will has been working on.

Next we have the new Photon Pistols from everyones favorite (or second favorite, depending on how much you like StarWars) science-fiction movie.

From left to right you see the Retro Raygun, the combat shotgun with glaive, and the GOW2 again. Other custom elements seen in the photo are the military helmet by BrickForge and custom black hair accessory by Arealight.

BrickArms put to their original and primary use.

Even the new Space Police can use the new trans-green color BrickArms is working on and the new Longslide pistol prototype.

And lastly for the photos, but certainly not the last of prototypes we have the heavy blaster pistol from Star Wars.
These prototype feature softer plastic than the final molds will have, but the quality and detail of these are perfect. They may not look like LEGO designs, but they have a style all there own.
You can also see many more photos of prototypes taken by BrickArms spokesperson theenigmathatisbadger's photostream.
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