18 July 2009

James May to 'build life-size LEGO house'

OK, I'm a bit late on reporting this news, but hey - any news is better than no news. So, on the 10th July (last Friday), the BBC television programme 'Friday Night with Jonathan Ross' aired. Ross interviewed car expert and Top Gear presenter James May, who is also known for 'James May's 20th Century' and my favourite, the programme about his favourite childhood toys. It even includes a scene all about Lego, where May says of one of the old Lego City sets 'they might as well have made one whole piece in the shape of a truck'.

But James May is back looking at toys - he announced that he has made 'Toy Stories': a programme about different toys of the past and present. He made a whole flower display out of plasticine, and for his Lego episode, he has built a life-sized Lego house, which is supported by metal framework and contains who-knows-how-many bricks. That's certainly something to look forward to!

I'll give you Brickspace guys a heads-up when the programme is aired.



Doctor Sinister said...

Can't say any more, but I know something about this and have for a while. Might even be involved. Oops, I've said too much.

Dr. S.

carol said...

Imagine how many bricks he is going to need in order to complete this?

Personally I think that James May has bought substantial shares in Lego!!