25 July 2010

Avant-Garde: The Magician

The big news in the Brickfilming world is of Bricks In Motion's latest competition, Avant-Garde, which is ending today. Films were available to post online since the 18th, but I haven't seen very many so the Brickfilmers must still be working on them.

But remember - the deadline is almost over! Then it's time to review all the films and, as always, I'll be there for the showing at some stupid hour of the night. Now onto Zach Macias' entry!

Mr. Macias' entry, called The Magician, unfortunately fits with the predictable empty-expanse format. So, I guess that -1 originality points for this film. However, it's not the format of your film that ultimately matters, it what you do with the format. Macias animates the central magician character expertly, with smooth, natural movements. There's not a flaw in there.

However, a part of me feels let down that one of the best Brickfilmers, Zach Macias, didn't attempt a more challenging topic. Animating bricks to music has certainly be done before, and I must admit that Macias could have done a bit more than what we see in The Magician. The film is avant-garde with its concept, but not with its plot, which is what I hoped to see.

So, whilst Macias' entry is a good film in its own right, I'd hope it's not the kind of quality that will win such a challenging competition. I wonder what everyone else has been up to...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"However, a part of me feels let down that one of the best Brickfilmers, Zach Macias, didn't attempt a more challenging topic."

I understand what you mean, but don't forget the fact that Zach is in college, therefore he had much less time to work on it. But I still think this is one of my favorite entries - the animation was amazing as usual, and the idea was awesome!

Just my two cents.