12 February 2010

AFOL survey

Lawrence Abrahamson has just emailed me to let me know about the AFOL survey he's conducting for a college project. Being the kind, helpful and loveably crazy guy I am, here's a link to his survey. If you're an AFOL (Adult Fan of Lego), and have some time to spare, spend it on Lawrence's survey. It shouldn't take long.

His message:
Calling all AFOLs...If you are an adult that builds with LEGO, please take this short survey: https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dDNyX3VneEJmQjV5bnA0UE9CUVU1QUE6MA  We are collecting information as part of a research project looking at the LEGO brand and its loyalty of users. Thanks for your help.

They are only using the data collected in-house for the project.

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