I thought Brickspace readers might like to read my thoughts on the new Minifig Stands - so this is a repeat of an entry from my own personal Blog over at Tabletown.
According to the UK distributor, I'm the first person in the country (aside from him) to get my hands on a set of these. Dunno if that's correct, but there you go. Produced by Minifig World, available from Minifig For Life in the UK and featured on The Brothers Brick.
Here's the packaging.

Ten of these for £6.00. Here's the top and bottom.

As you can see, they do stack.
The packet suggests that with these stands you can get your Minifigs to:
1) Stand on one leg. Check.
2) Bend over. Check.
3) Hold items. Check - although as you will see with this alien meteorite held by the middle Doctor Sinister clone, he has to bend backwards or the whole lot tips over, stand and all. But then I did choose a deliberately ridiculous item to hold.
2) Bend over. Check.
3) Hold items. Check - although as you will see with this alien meteorite held by the middle Doctor Sinister clone, he has to bend backwards or the whole lot tips over, stand and all. But then I did choose a deliberately ridiculous item to hold.
I think these will be really handy for display purposes, but what would be even handier would be if they were transparent and/or thinner with perhaps a single stud so they could be posed in a diorama unobtrusively. Now THAT would be handy!
Dr. S.