Apart from the utterly utterly utterly stupid super super widescreen, this video is icredible. It's sooo smooth, and the plot is great. I like the camera angles, the lighting and the set. What's not to like (Other than the stupid super super widescreen!!!). Another amazing video from Nathan Wells, one last comment though: I thought the brick was just 30 years old? Well, there's me prooved wrong then! It was created by Nathan Wells and you can see the video on YouTube by clicking here, or you can view Nathan Wells' channel (One brick studio's) by clicking here.

-Luke, editor
The Minifigure is 30 years old, and the LEGO brick is 50.
I know, but I didn't make the film. Im sure there weren't cavemen around 30 years ago too but oh well...
The widescreen is not utterly stupid like you said in the post. Most films today are shot in widescreen. It's easier to frame given teh dimensions of the minifigure.
Yes, but it's not normal widescreen which looks good, it's even wider!
It's in a 2.35:1 aspect ratio (also called "cinemascope"), which is a very commonly-used aspect ratio in film.
And yes, it is a fantastic movie.
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