Hey everyone you may have noticed the as of late stagnant posting on the blog. The only six posts in March may have shown that, but no longer! We are back with this new interview when I talked with popular builder Tyler Clites (Legohaulic) for a building interview. All of his creations are rockin' so I hope you enjoy this interview I had with Tyler.

To start off describe yourself to the readers...
Well...I'm essentially a loner. I enjoy spending time by myself. I'm a very positive upbeat person with a corny sense of humor. I thrive on being creative. I love a challenge. If someone says it can't be done, I'm going to try to do it.
Also as a follow-up to the first question, what communities or sites can you be found on? Where are you LEGO hangouts?
My loner tendencies show in my online activity. I'm most active on Flickr and Builders Lounge.

Are you inspired by any other builders in the community? Maybe works of other that aren't LEGO even?
I'm primarily inspired by uniqueness! If a builder builds something that hasn't been done before or uses pieces in a unique way, it is a safe bet that I'll be inspired by it. The same goes for concept art, which also serves as a big source of inspiration.
I think it shows that you don't really conform do any theme and your creations show great amounts of creativity, where do you manage to find these ideas?
Most of my ideas just come out of nowhere. I don't sit down and decide to come up with an idea. Sometimes a technique, a photo, a piece of art, or something I see in my daily life will inspire an idea. I start doodling with pieces and something evolves from that.
Do you have any plans for the future? Even those not including LEGO?
Immediately, I plan on finishing college and finishing my project for Brickworld. Hopefully I can find a job at some point that will allow me to be creating something new and different each day. I despise the mundane.

If you had to pick a favorite creation of your which do you think it would have to be?
The Inquisitor would probably be my favorite.
Are there any creations you have in the works that you would like to share in this interview?
I have several thing in the works some I'll share and others will have to wait. I'm working on a dk blue version of the Bladerunner Spinner, and some TLG style mocs/sets for the Put Your Bricks Where Your Mouth Is challenge.
And on a final note is there any building advice you can give to the readers along with any other tips you have?
Build what you like and how you like. Don't let other people's opinions or perceptions determine how you build. This goes for any type of creative medium.

Thanks again Tyler for that excellent interview. From now on I'm going to try and get a new interview up every two-four weeks so stay tuned for the next one!
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