A big congrats goes to BenLego (EDIT: swapped to Dano's pictures) on Flickr today for finding some great new pictures of the 2010 Atlantis theme (to be launched in February). Here's what he's got:
The whole line (impulse sets not included). The second-to-the-right box is the one Dano showed us a couple of weeks ago, but there's also some great-looking red underwater ships and the Atlantis city itself (centre box). It seems this theme goes with the classic humans-versus-aliens or animals plot which pops up so many times in Lego. The humans are in red and trans-neon-green, and the Atlantians (?) seem to be riding large animals: squid, sharks and the like.
These fellas look nasty... but at least they've got some great headpieces, and a new trident. There's Manta-Man and Viktor Krum - oh no, sorry, it's just another shark-headed bloke.
Let's not forget the promotional stand, showing off the new underwater helmets (with the return of those large visors, which we last saw in the Mars Mission sets in shiny gold - now in trans-neon-green) and some great-looking impulse sets (a crabby crab and what one Flickr user correctly referred to as TLG's version of a cave racer).
That's all on the Atlantis front, but we've also got some first pics of Lego City 2010, which is showing off another farm range.

Here's the farm, with added pigs and a great looking tractor.

Then there's some new Power Miners sets, where the PMs dig deeper down into the Earth and discover weirder rock monsters, and they also have silvery costumes and Ice Planet visors!
Finally, Dano found the first ever picture of the new Ben 10 sets, which he's called 'Galidor 2010' for obvious reasons - it looks, to his eyes and the eyes of many others on the 'net (myself included), like a poor excuse for revamping Galidor-like figures.
What do you think of the new sets? Tell us in the comments section!
Was I the only one who didn't universally hate Galidor and the Knights' Kingdom big figs?
They would have made sweet animation models if they a) had more bricks and fewer specialty parts, and b) ditched those click-hinges for the Bionicle ball-and-socket joints.
it's not galidor 2010, it's 'appeals to a young audience bionicle' 2010. there are ball-and-socket joints, and bionicle will be cancelled.
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