23 February 2009

New Brickfilms.com features

Hi guys! I thought I'd let you know about a new Brickfilms.com feature: Tutorials. Ok, so I'm really not sold on the new site design, and I haven't liked Brickfilms.com  since I realised they patented the word 'Brickfilm', which other people have been using for years. I was just looking at the new site, 3.0, to see what it looked like (It's horrible!, go to bricks in motion instead). I found the tutorials page. It's terrible, it's just a massive block of indigestible text. We make better tutorials in our 'Tips & Tricks' section! So, the new Brickfilms.com is terrible. They really need to get their act together. The movie archive is still tiny too!

-Luke, editor


Anonymous said...

I completely agree. The old website had two resources for tutorial like information: the Resources and the WIKI. The new website seems to have just thrown both away, and start a new section named Tutorials.

On top of that, the new website does look horrible. The designers took a standard template, tried to expand on that and just did a horrible job at it.

But on the other side, Brickfilms at least has a tutorials section, in contrast with Bricks In Motion. ;)

Luke said...

Yes, but to be honest, it's so bad, it's not worth counting. Bricks in motion looks beautiful too!