30 June 2009

Larry Lars' Snowspeeder

I've seen my fair share of Snowspeeders in the last few months, but Larry Lars' (king of SW MOCs) model certainly takes the biscuit, eats it, regurgitates it and feeds the remains to a gullible monkey. In other words, it's great. The canopy is the most accurate I've ever seen, and the inclusion of custom decals takes it to another level. It may not be the usual white, but who cares?
 In other news, the Danish radio station I'm listening to has just started playing a song for the fifth time in under an hour. I would happily pay for them to buy some new CDs just so they can stop doing this.


28 June 2009

Another post, another Vulcan.

Quite a different sort of Vulcan though - I think I'm in love with this Prussian Naval Howitzer by 2 Much Caffeine. It's so beautifully made, clearly a labour of love.

Dr. S.

Bombing them back to the stone age.

The Avro Vulcan B2 was a staple element of Britain's nuclear deterrent during the early stages of the Cold War, and also famously took part in the Falklands War, bombing Port Stanley airport from bases in the UK, a journey of nearly 4,000 miles to target. Seeing one of these things fly is a lesson in Awesome. Ed Diment (LEGO Monster) has faithfully recreated a Vulcan bomber in LEGO form - capturing the many varied subtle curves of the wings, the fuselage and the camouflage scheme in exquisite detail. Check the complete set of pictures to see the working landing gear, the bomb bay doors and the cockpit - you won't be disappointed.

Dr. S.

27 June 2009

"You leave here right now before I fight you like Donkey Kong!"

Yup, it's another film from Keshen8. This one actually made me laugh, properly - not in Keshen8's usual half-humour, half-gay jokes way. Sure, the Michael Jackson poster on the wall is kinda weird, but the plot is new and the characters are hilarious. Well done for a thoroughly funny film, Keshen8.

26 June 2009

Got colour?

It's not every day that you come across something as fantastic as .eti 's newest creation, a surrealistic scene  of Fabuland creatures pouring colour into a whitewashed minifig world. It may seem weird, but eti has pulled it off brilliantly. In terms of building skill, it's average, but I think it has a lot to say, surrealistically. People have had different reactions to the inclusion of different shades of white, and I don't particularly like the more dirty shades (see this picture). Of course, I may be wrong, and they could add variance to what would otherwise be a 'heaven'-like scene. It's up to you, the viewer.


Be amazed - be very amazed.


Nnenn's done it again - this awesome spacegoing strikecraft production yard and carrier has so much detail it's hard to take in all at once. Complete with a full interior and lovely angles, it's all I would want a capital ship to be.

Dr. S.

25 June 2009

A Nightmare for the viewers as well as the minifigs

Well, it looks like the crazy-Brickfilm disease has hit not just Zach Macias but Keshen8 too. Yup, he's turned out what looked to be a great film but what turned out to be another half-funny short 'sketch' with yet more gay jokes. No, the jokes aren't gay - they're about gay people. Overall, a disappointing final product.

Halifax Townhouse

Powerpig admits that this is a 'change of pace' for him, but I love it.. This is his latest creation - a Halifax Townhouse , complete with interior and my all-time favourite minifig torso (kinda). Everyone's been saying the insides are very IKEA-ry, and it's certainly true. Sometimes we have to throw away our Danish obsession and open our minds to popular Swedish products instead. Sleek lines can be found in and outside the tall, refined-bley house with wonderful fiddly architecture at the top of the right tower.


23 June 2009

Keshen's Spam Police

Now, Keshen8 is an insanely popular Brickfilmer over on YouTube, and not only because he makes popularist Brickfilms and is one of very few Brickfilmers to use BrickArms. One of his latest films, Spam Police, is just an excellent showcase of his animation expertise and funny-but-not-that-funny humour. Enjoy it.

Legorevoution says RUN!

I decided to avoid the usual new Sir Nadroj post, and focus on a MOC that (though it is not made by Sir Nadroj) is actually better.

MUCH better. Yup, it's a brilliant space-age vignette by someone I've never heard of before: Legorevolution . It's got great blood effects, lots of layers, greebles galore and a spaceship smashing through a wall. All-round wonderful.

It's indescribable!

Or rather, Kahan couldn't come up with a satisfactory name for this great little ship. One thing that strikes me about it is that although he set up a red/white colourscheme with the body of the craft, he goes off and uses light grey accents on the mandibles. It's just a nice refinement that I noticed. On the other hand, I'm not a fan of the canopy being set so far back- I wonder if he could have used some 1x2 trans bricks. Oh well, it is a small complaint for an otherwise very satisfying model. Check it out here.

21 June 2009

The Emporer's Royal Guard

OK, I'm back now. Sure, you probably thought I was never gone - but I was. I was on a drama workshop (with our very own Luke, as a matter of fact), and I won't be posting much in the near future anyways because of end-of-year tests and essays and God-knows what else.

So, here's what you Brickfilming lot should consider as a fairly 'old' (well, from May) Brickfilm, yet Zach Macias' latest. It's got a similar plot to The Sales Pitch, which as you should know was disappointing. But, despite the sudden and rather silly violence, there is some slight humour to this one. Enjoy.

Doug's got the hump!

I love this humpback bridge by Doug Idle. It uses 1x1 round bricks to help achieve the curved angle of the road - and the bridge fits in with Doug's other modular road sections. Note that he's even continued the central white line across the curve - this is impressive work.

Dr. S.

Sea Harrier FRS.1.

This Sea Harrier, as flown by the British Royal Navy, has been constructed to the usual degree of excellence, skill and attention to detail by Ralph Savelsberg, AKA Mad Physicist.

Fully armed with a complement of missiles, and a retractable undercarriage, the Harrier is one of a series of planes built by Ralph and Ed Diment (LEGO Monster) for a timeline of planes celebrating 100 years of British flight for a display at the Museum Of Science and Industry in Manchester on the 27th of June (my birthday, incidentally - I will expect all Brickspace readers to send large and expensive gifts).

16 June 2009

LL-242 by Legoloverman

LL-242, originally uploaded by legoloverman.

Flickr user Legoloverman has great style with classic-space and this micro that took him four hours is no exception. It represents that old theme so perfectly.

15 June 2009

'Ursus' Power miners adaptation

I think I might have just found something to trump yesterday's power miners adaptation, it's a great photo, cool special effects and an amazing creation. It was created by 'misterzumbi' and you can see more of his creations by clicking here.


Blacktron Vampire

I had the pleasure of giving this creation a really good swooshing yesterday during my attendance at a LEGO House-fest which was hosted by a fellow member of the Brickish Association. A bunch of us turned up with some of our latest builds and this was one of them.

This little Blacktron vessel by OptimalControl (Stuart Crawshaw) is solid, rugged, great for flying around the room when no-one is looking - and the tail/engine attachment is quite unique.

Dr. S.

14 June 2009

Medievally Challenged Contest

medievallychallengedcontest, by="" originally="" uploaded="">Rocko™.
Flickr user Rocko gives all of use who are Medievally challenged a chance to build in the castle theme and break our own comfort zone of whatever theme you build in whether it be Space, Mecha, even Galidor. Break the mold for you subtheme and try a little castle. And with most contest a nice list of prizes follows at the bottom:
7037 Tower Raid
7682 Shanghai Chase
6241 Loot Island

Some rules of importance also include that you must be 18+ to enter the contest unless of course you are willing to take a photo of your parent giving you the thumbs up to enter, you can use custom parts, and Rocko isn't dealing with crap questions. I think most contests need that last rule.

Anyway go Check it Out!

International SteamPunk Day?

Feeling lucky, Steampunk?, originally uploaded by Sir Nadroj.
I had no idea until Jordan Schwartz (Sir Naroj) pointed out to me that today was International SteamPunk day. All members of the interweb need to gather to celebrate this wonderful 'lifestyle' for some people, but to most of use it is just a Sub theme built with LEGO.

'Belarus' power miners adaptation

OH MY GOSH. This power miners themed vehicle is the coolest I've seen so far (yes, sorry John, better than yours too!) it's a great picture, the editing to look like the lights are glowing is cool and the angle is great. It was created by 'misterzumbi' and you can see more of his creations by clicking here.


13 June 2009

Power Miners Mining Loader

Power Miners Mining Loader, originally uploaded by M_longer.
I love this custom power miners adaptation by 'M_longer', it's not the most complicated power miners adaptation I've seen but it's still pretty cool!



We've seen some cool stuff from Cole Blaq , sure, but none of it stands up to this: a 'Gokurakucho ' spectral fighter, with just about every colour Lego made shoved in there somewhere (though probably not Maersk blue). With some nicked-off-Bionicle shiny wings and a sleek windscreen, this multicoloured masterpiece can apparently 'ride rays of light'. I'll stop now before I start blabbing on about how that is impossible.

12 June 2009

Kuroraka Interceptor

Kuroraka Interceptor, originally uploaded by Fredoichi.
Being the space enthusiast that I am when I saw this I just knew I had to blog it. I mean look at the use of black to highlight all the other details. Great work Fredoichi.

Only you can prevent forest fires....

or so says Aaron (DarkSpawn). With his fantastic Civil-MECH. It would have made a fantastic entry into the Civilian MECHA contest although unfortunately it was just a little late.

Yes a Monkey in Space is the Coolest Thing in the World!

Spaaace Aaape, originally uploaded by Karf Oolhu.
I don't think it is possible not to love Karf Oolhu's Spaaace Aaape. He just screams a fun MOC. Great work.

Welcome Home!

Welcome Home!, originally uploaded by Monkfish44.
This little scene by Monkfish44 is great. It also has some great cinematography that looks a little like the window technique originally used by Alex Eylar. Anyway the story Monk tries to tell us starts off like...

Mini-Monk: "Oooh, nice. Just one thing..."

Me: "What?"

Mini-Monk: "The t-shirt. Why did you put me in this t-shirt?"

Me: "We're promoting the green cause!"

Mini-Monk: "I'm made of plastic."

Me: "..."

Mini-Monk: "I'm going inside."

LEGO Battles Now Available

Lego Battles now available, originally uploaded by L.D.M..
Now on Shop@Home! Go check it out. Now we have to wait for LEGO Rockband to finally come out.