31 October 2008

Jorgen Vig Knudstorp #2: Hallojwien!

Jorgen, the Lego CEO, does some good for his local community.

Quantum of Solace

Quantum of Solace is out today, and I found this Lego poster of it. I love Lego copies of movie posters, and this is no exception. It looks just like the real thing, and was created by ImpreSariO. You can visit more of his posters by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

Hapy hallowe'en!

Happy Hallowe'en everybody! Here's a Hallowe'en based creation. This was taken at some sort of Hallowe'en parade. In my opinion though, it's more strange than scary although it is pretty clever how they did it and it looks OK. To be fair though, if they turned up on my door I'd be pretty freaked out.

-Luke, editor

'Shaun of the Dead' giant Lego minifig costume

If any of you saw the weird lego costumes in Luke's post, then check this out! Argh! This giant Lego figure costume is apparently from Shaun of the Dead, a scary British zombie movie. Well, happy Hallowe'en, mwa ha ha!

30 October 2008

2 faced minifigure

There isn't any information about this creation, and all I know is was created by mijasper, who you can find by clicking here. It looks pretty cool, I don't know if it was made by computer or if it's an actual minifigure. Oh well, it just looks really good. It's a good quality image, and the colours look sharp and crisp. The shadow also gives a good effect.

-Luke, editor


Download piclens by clicking here. It makes viewing brickspace much easier, and you can see how to use it by wattching the above video. Please note Coolris is just the new name for Piclens.

-Luke, editor

Make your own...Nannish Staricases!

The razor-sharp edges of the beige blocks make a stark background for the black, foreboding minifigures dying on each surface. On one wall, a rectangular void drips blood. On another, a scorpion digs its Lego pincers into its minifigure prey. On a platform close to the top, two swirling staircases circle each other, creating an amazing double-helix shape. This is a description of Nannan Zhang's Metamorphosis III: Insanity, An intricate metaphor of madness. The staircase also shows up in Contortion, another of Zhang's works, in which they form the basis of the creation.
But how are these staircases made? How do those 2x2 plates connect at an angle? Well, here's a short video showing you how to make your own Nannish Staircases. Here's one I made earlier (ha ha ha)...

29 October 2008

Halo Scorpion Tank

This Scorpion Tank from Halo looks really good and authentic. It was created by Shephen Chao, and you can see more pictures of it by clicking here. I really like the caterpillar tracks and the rotating gun turret on top, but what impresses me the most is how much it looks like the real thing.

-Luke, editor

Double whammy: Making your creations look great & Oblivion

Quite often, you spend ages making a great lego model, take a picture to put on somewhere like moc pages or brickshelf only to find it looks terrible because you've got lots of things in the background, like your bed or other models. Well you can make your creations look great, quickly and easily by using GIMP. It's a free photo editing software, and you can go to the website and download it by clicking here. Then just use the magic wand tool and the eraser to get rid of the messy background (NB it works better if you have a single solid colour in the beckground). Here's an example I did earlier.

Notice how much more professional the bottom one looks. Please note you can make yours look better than that by taking your time. I did that one really quickly. Now for the review...

This sculpture, named Oblivion, was created by Nowhere Man. There isn't much to say, other than it looks great. The colours are good, and my only criticism is the dark, blurred photo. You can find more pictures of it by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

28 October 2008

Ant attack vigenette

I really like this vigenette of the ant attack from Indiana Jones Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It was made by "Sir" and you can view more pictures of it by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

Lego unveil 10193 Medieval Village at BrickCon 08

Lego have just released the newest Lego Castle set (set number 10193), called 'Medieval Village'. It comes with nine minifigs, two cows, a few fish, four medieval-style buildings, lots of flowers and fruit, a horse, and over 1,600 pieces! Wow, this set is bound to be a best seller when it comes out, BUT how much will it cost? Definitely not anything under £90! These pictures and video come from Nannan Zhang's media from BrickCon '08.

27 October 2008

Bon Voyage, Nannan Zhang's creation!

One of Nannan Zhang's beautiful Lego spaceship-type creations takes the plunge at a Lego convention in America, where their idea of fun is to throw Lego down stairs and watch the pieces go everywhere. Oh, I do hope they found all the bricks...

Vintage 1940's Batmobile

I'm in a Batman mood today This vintage 1940's Batmobile caught my eye. It was created by Watson K13 and you can find more pictures of it by clicking here. I really like the headlamps and the detail on the front. It must have taken ages to make it.

-Luke, editor

26 October 2008

New post format

I have discovered the "Scheduled" feature, and now all my posts will be automatically released at midday (GMT) each day. I am now going to put the brickspace logo in the bottom right corner of every picture and I will display my picture next to my name. Hope you like the new format.

-Luke, editor

Wayne Manor/Batcave

This massive lego version of Wayne Manor and the Batcave was created by Dave Kaleta and you can view more pictures of it by clicking here. I especially like the intricate staircase at the front, and the amazing detail in the batcave. It is quite hard to see everything in the picture, so follow the link to find a bigger version.

-Luke, editor

Tutankhamun death mask

This Tutankhamun death mask by Friso Booij looks really good and authentic. The photo was terrible and had a really lively background so I cut it out and added in our logo. It hasn't turned out great but Oh well. You can find more pictures by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

The Church and the Catacombs

Robert Arnst, AKA The Stone Goblin, baffles us again with his Brick brilliance! Once again, Arnst delves into the past, but this time to bring us The Church and the Catacombs, an imaginative cross-section of a medieval castle, with stained glass windows, perfect staircases, and a spooky catacombs. Those of you with good eyesight may be able to make out the skeletons lying in tombs cut out of the walls in the catacombs, and for those of you like me, who have really bad eyesihgt (oh dammit, I can't even see the kyes), more pictures can be found here. Enjoy, and what a tasteful gradient!

25 October 2008

Battle on the ice

It's time to battle...on ice! Let's hope the underdogs ex-skate, and winners aren't too frosty! Oh, sorry about those jokes, I'm in a good mood. I've just cleared out my room, and I'm sitting here with my wonderful MacBook Pro sitting proud atop my otherwise-empty desk. This creation, made by The Stone Goblin, is apparently a vignette of a famous battle that happened on ice. But what battle? I know, StoneGoblin will tell us...

The Battle of Lake Peipus was a battle between the Republic of Novgorod led by Prince Alexander Yaroslavich against the Livonian branch of the Teutonic Knights on April 5, 1242, at Lake Peipus. The crusader forces likely numbered somewhere in the area of 500 to 1000. Most of them were probably Chud (Estonian) levies. The Russian force in contrast numbered around 5,000 soldiers: Alexander and his brother Andrew's bodyguards (druzhina), who numbered around 1,000, plus the militia of Novgorod.

Well, it's a brilliant battle diorama. I love large creations which have loads of stuff going on at once, and this is one of them. It looks so clean, the bits of ice flowing off are well designed and look clean, brilliant white and, well, just like bits of ice. To see more about this creation, click here.

Coming soon: Interview with Philip Heinrich

We will have an exclusive interview with Philip Heinrich from Smeagol Studios which will be released on the 1st November.

23 October 2008

Interview with Jason Freeny

Recently, we featured the Anatomy of the minifigure on the blog. We were so impressed we decided to ask the creator - Jason Freeny - for an interview.

Q1) How long on average does it take you make a design?
A)On average each anatomy illustration takes about 30 hours.

Q2) Where do you get your inspiration from?
A) My ideas and inspirations come at times where I am not really thinking or expecting anything. Like while trying to fall asleep or during my train commute to work...

Q3) Would you ever consider making another Lego based design?
A) I would certainly consider another LEGO based illustration but right now I have so many ideas for other things... I like to touch on many subjects and try to avoid using the same subject matter too much, unless of course the idea is just too good.

Q4) What would you say to anyone who wants to make designs like you?
A) I don't really know how to answer that, If you have an idea go for it. Im just making it up as I go... ;)

Thankyou very much to Jason Freeny. You can visit his website by clicking here. Below is his only lego based poster. His other things are really good too and you can find them on his website.

-Luke, editor

[Gold 10.08] Mirrored perspective

This is another very good film from MindGame Studios. It is, as ever silky smooth and very good quality. It starts off faultlessly. Thecamera angles are very good, and it turns what is a very simple story into what could be called a piece of art. The music goes very well and means there is no need for any talking. It is a pleasure to watch, and I especially like the ending where he smashes the mirror, and walks through the door. Once he reapperars in the alleyway, the lighting and colour quality are excellent.
They've done it again, another great piece of eye candy from Mindgame studios.

-Luke, editor

Lord of the rings- The two towers

I'm not going to say too much as it's only a short clip, but I was very impressed with the great quality graphics and silky smooth transition.