8 September 2009

Push the bar!

Today, after the immense success of the Bricks in Motion 2009 competition 'STAR', Mr Heinrich and the folks at BiM have announced the 2010 competition, 'Avant Garde'. This one is certain to produce some phemonenal films. Here's part of the press release (found here):

"What does "Avant-Garde" mean for the purpose of this contest?  French for advance guard, or vanguard, the central idea is to create something that is innovative and pushes the boundaries of what has been done before.  We want you to reconsider the standard conventions of brickfilming as it is now and create a film that is unique and, on some level, does things that haven't been done in a brickfilm before.  Your film can be experimental and surreal, or simply use new techniques and kinds of storytelling that we probably have not seen before.  Be creative!  Wikipedia's "Avant-garde" article provides a good introduction to the movement from which this contest takes its name.  While this contest is about pushing the boundaries, we're not asking entrants to create films so abstract and nonsensical that they are not enjoyable to watch.
As per the nature of this contest, think of some of the obvious concepts you expect other people to use, and avoid those.  A film about a minifig wandering around in a vast, white expanse finding himself may be experimental and surreal, but it has been done more than a few times in this medium and is not what we're hoping to see in entries for this year's contest." 

If that hasn't already got your Brickfilming imagination working overdrive, I don't know what will. It's certainly a a fantastic theme, and it'll get some of the more conventional (in plot terms) animators off their traditions and try something new. Brickfilmers have until the 25th July 2010 to make their films and send them off to BiM. The judging panel is yet to be decided, but I'm sure it'll include some Brickfilming greats as before.

So this is it, Brickfilmers! Push the bar! Destroy convention! Be creative! Be new! Be unique! 

I'm expecting something BIG...


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