30 December 2008

Monty Python's Holy Grail- Lego Style!

This lego version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail was created by tonymines01. I think it's really funny and the moving mouths on the characters are really clever, and must have taken a long time. You can see tonymines01's channel by clicking here, and you can see the video on YouTube by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

29 December 2008

New MOCpages 2009!

Hey you guys!

I'm just gonna quickly tell you about the new MOCpages 2009! Sean Kenney, the MOCpages admin, previewed to us the new features about a month ago, and now they're finally here! So now you can have favorite creators, join and create groups, and create and enter competitions!

Hey, that reminds me... don't forget to stick around for the new year here at Brickspace, where we'll be releasing Jørgen Vig Knudstorp #4, and we'll be introducing our new 2009 features (which many of you will have already seen put into effect around the site...)!!

MOCpages has never been so cool!

Brick Separator

Are you fed up of your bricks getting stuck together, and pulling your hair (and fingernails) out trying to break them apart? Well, fear no longer. You can get the brick separator from lego for just £1. I got one recently, and theyre so useful. You can buy them from the lego store by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

Gerrit Rietveld Chair

This Gerrit Rietveld chair was created by Matija Grguri, and is based on the real 1921 Gerrit Rietveld piece. It looks really realistic, and must have been pretty difficult to design.

28 December 2008

Gears of war concept

These Gears of War characters, KALISO, Marcus Fenix & Carmine, were designed by "Hazel", I love his custom weapons and hairstyles, and you can find the picture and more information on it by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

27 December 2008

Post Apocalyptic Pitbull

This "Post Apocalyptic Pitbull" was created by Shannon Ocean. I cant be bothered to write much more, but basically it's just really cool and the gun turret on top is the best bit, it must have taken a while to design. You can view Shannon Ocean's MOC page by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

26 December 2008


Busted! Oops, this careless graffitier has been caught out by the cops! I love the graffiti decal on the wall, classic SNOT building techniques, and the ladder is well designed too! I just hope that the creator, Shannon Ocean, hasn't fallen into the trap of using one of those grumpy-faced police figures. I must have...like....twelve! Great detail in the gutter too. For more angles and close-up shots of this wonderful vignette, check out the MOCpages page here.

25 December 2008

Ice...slippery, huh?

John Langrish continues his reign of Christmas Vignetting in this 2005 Christmas-themed Vignette. There are so many great things about this one... the clear, sharp corners and colours, the great undulating snowy hills, the sliding people, shifting ice, brilliant simple tree...I could go on and on.
Merry Christmas!

A Christmas Vignette

John Langrish helps us to celebrate the Christmas of...2004. Well, it may be four years too late, but it can still stand up to the best Lego creations in terms of design. I love the SNOT floor, the bulky tree, the simple, angled fireplace and sofs. Very modern. And, if you see some of the other pictures on the MOCpages article here, you'll see an innovative rug design. Merry christmas to all, and to all a good SNOT!!

Worlds tallest Lego tree

Merry Christmas everyone! Check out this tree. Apparently it is the largest lego christmas tree in the world, and you can find it here.

-Luke, editor

24 December 2008

T&T's: Adding cool backgrounds to your creations

Cut your image out (Using the tecnique in one of my previous Tips & Tips posts which you can find by clicking here) but this time, make sure to make the background trransparent (which you can do by selecting the area and clicking "colours" then "colour to alpha" if you use GIMP). Once it is cut out, save it as a png, and remember the location you saved it in for later.
-You don't need to do the above step, you can cut the image out using other software if you want
Now, find the image you want to use as the background image and open it in your photo editing software. Then drag and drop the other image in, move it into the correct spot and change it to the correct size. Then save it and you're done!

Step 1- Cut out the creation (Trooper by Jehkay)
Step 2- Find a cool background image
Step 3- Drag your creation image into the background image

Good Effort

Shannon Ocean and Chris Phipson battle it out to jump across a large gap over some nasty grilles! But it's Ok...oh, no, wait, looks like Chris has got his head stuck in a wall. Well done, anyway, Shannon! More pics here.
Also thanks to Mr Davis for letting us do this in our last maths class of 2008!

23 December 2008

New Staff pages

Hey there!
For 2009, I've been redesigning both the staff page and also the way that the satff page works. Now, instead of trawling through a long page of all our staff (yes, all three of us), you can easily click on our names to be taken to new staff pages, or click 'Contact' next to our names to be easily taken to your default mail software, and send us an email! Check out the new Staff Page here.

22 December 2008

The Kingfisher

That's the sound of Shannon Ocean's latest spaceship fighter thing. It's blue, with a little bit of orange, and it's really cool! I especially like the SNOT basis of the design, and that great cockpit piece from the old Naboo Fighter. Check out this, and lots more of Shannon's fighters, at the MOCpages article here.

21 December 2008

Brickspace Season: Long Films

Hey there guys! In developing our largest project yet, The 101 Brickfilms to see before you Die, we've got some great opinions on some great films, so we're gonna display some of these in short seasons. Our first season, taking place next year in February, is about Long Brickfilms. So we've got seven of the finest, longest, and best Brickfilms to show you over a period of two weeks. Shortlisted by some of the best Brickfilm critics and Brickfilmers. So, check out Brickspace.org from the 9th February - 22nd February 2009 for those stellar Brickfilms!

Brickspace awards

It's nearly the end of 2008, and we need your help to choose the ultimate winners of the Brickspace awards. Here's how it's going to work: You choose your favourite before the 30th December, then, out of your two favourites in each category, Will, Tim and I will each vote for our favourite and the one with the most votes will win. Then, out of the two winners, we will each vote again, then the one with the most votes will become the overall winner. The people who created the winning entries will get a special Brickspace trophy banner to put on their site and show to all their friends. The winners will be announced on the 1st January at midnight. (The best creator will be slightly different, the winner will be decided by you and only you. The person with the most votes by 30/12 will win!)

-Luke, editor

Star in your own GO MINIMAN GO movie

Easily create your own Go Miniman Go movie, go to www.gominimango.com/miniyou/ and upload your (and if you want 2 other friends) picture. Then just wait as it puts you in the movie. Then you can share it via any blogging service, email, iGoogle or just watch it yourself. Check out my version, look for John, Tim and I. Can you find us?
Click here to watch it in all its full screen glory.

30 years of the minifigure

Apart from the utterly utterly utterly stupid super super widescreen, this video is icredible. It's sooo smooth, and the plot is great. I like the camera angles, the lighting and the set. What's not to like (Other than the stupid super super widescreen!!!). Another amazing video from Nathan Wells, one last comment though: I thought the brick was just 30 years old? Well, there's me prooved wrong then! It was created by Nathan Wells and you can see the video on YouTube by clicking here, or you can view Nathan Wells' channel (One brick studio's) by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

20 December 2008

Back to the Future: Rock Raiders

Hello and welcome to Back to the Future, where we look back at old sets and Lego series that are making a comeback in the near future. literally, looking back to the future!

Lime green Bricks.
Weird rock monsters.
Orange danger lines all over the boxes.
Glowing bricks.
And more of those two-part hollow rock bricks than you can ever hope to count.

What's this? No, it's not some sort of weird green rocky glowy branded Jack-Stone type Lego series. It's Power Miners, the upcoming 2009 Lego series. And it's actually cool. The design of the sets has gone a long way since the Power Miners idea originally started ten years ago, in a successful series called 'Rock Raiders'. Maybe you remember...
The Underground Digger?
The distinctive Chrome Buster?
All these sets set out a distinctive crossing into the new millennium for Lego. With their shiny pieces and unique frame-cockpits (something reflected in the movie The Core, made only a few years later), and those light-up bricks.
The light-up bricks have sparked numerous duplicates in both the official Lego sets and the online Lego Community. MOCers used the Rock Raiders light-up bricks for years, until Exo-Force and Bionicle introduced smaller, more compact versions in 2006. That left the MOCers to drool over those for many, many succeeding years.
Rock Raiders is also one of the most successful of all the Lego series, with the possible exception of Lego Indiana Jones (I swear, if I see another Lego Indy Brickfilm on YouTube, I'll kill somebody). Rock Raiders: the game was released soon after the series was first opened. I've played the game myself, it's really great. For something 1999 it's really amazing, the way you can upgrade your stations and add new people, very Age of Empires. Just the thought of mining through a few more sections of stone: would could I find? What gold will I discover? Will there be another rock monster? Really, I strongly suggest you buy the game if you find it in a garage sale or, as I once saw, in one of the Lego stores.
So what makes Rock Raiders so successful? And why is it being revamped? What was going through Jørgen Vig Knudstorp's mind when he signed the twelve Lego designers off for this job?
It's a hard one. The Rock Raiders certainly brought lots of new technology to Lego: it showed Sci-Fi technology in the drills and real technology in the articulated Rock Monsters and the light-up bricks. Also, here's a picture of a set I particularly like from the 1999 range:
Let's look a bit closer at it. At first, it seems a bit dull, the brown and bley colour scheme not particularly pleasing (however, take a look at the new series' colours! Phwoar!), but it succeeds in its purpose. It would look cool to the kids of 1999. The chrome-plated drill is one of the only chrome-plated bricks that I have not seen or heard of the chrome layer peeling off: a great change from the flaking shiny lightsaber hilts. Then look closer. The walking mechanism is a clear precursor of all the future AT-STs, and the whole design looks very AT-ST. Star Wars was much cooler then, in the 90's, than it is now. Damn youn, Clone Wars! Let's add in some 'striped + battered' stickers, some drills, that cool headpiece, the frame-built cockpit, and some subtle hints of lime green. To the 1999 kid, this would be the ultimate sci-fi toy experience, and you can build up your collection with lots of new people and machines.
This is the 1999 version of a mecha.
Maybe this is the start of Japanese Manga and Sci-Fi becoming popular.
So why now? Why has the great Jørgen signed up Power Miners?
Well, let's think.
Ok, don't think. It's too dangerous nowadays.
I'll think for you. See? It's much easier now.
Manga is certainly popular nowadays, the success of Exo-Force amongst the large Japanese Lego fan-base and large TV-watching, slob Lego fan-base. Manga affects everyone, so this mecha/japanese sci-fi look to the Power Miners is certainly an upside. Then we have the bright colours and attractive box designs. If you pass these sets in Hamleys or Walmart then you should really get your eyes tested. I don't know yet, but I bet you they glow in the dark!
So, looks like Jørgen's got the winning formula yet again. Look out for those luminous sets in 2009.
Next time... Pirates 2009!

Become a member of our Staff!

Hey there, guys. I've just finished a very long and very arduous article documenting the various different types of staff positions that we will be implementing in 2009. You can sign up now, and start as one of the positions in 2009, probably a week or two after the new year. If you're interested, we'd love to have you on board. Check out your options here.

Free Brickspace 2009 t-shirt

Only a couple of people have entered the competition, so you have a great chance of winning. Just fill in the form to win a Brickspace 2008 t-shirt. I'm re posting it to see if we can get at least a few more people to enter! Just fill in the form below for a chance to win a free Brickspace 2009 t-shirt!

-Luke, editor

19 December 2008

Post Apocalyptic Assault Truck

This "Post Apocalyptic Assault Truck" was created by Shannon Ocean. I really like the skull on the front. It looks good, and must have taken ages to design. Shannon Ocean is a MOCer I recently found out about, she makes some really cools stuff and I would really reccomend you yiew her MOC page which you can view by clicking here.

-Luke, editor

18 December 2008


Well, if you thought the original Lego set was cool, then check out this Ultimate Collector's Series (UCS) edition made by the great MOCpages user The Legohaulic . Just to let you know what he's like, here's his list of things which make you a Legohaulic:

Hmm, I'll bear that in mind. See more pics of the AT-RT here , or check out the real UCS sets here .

-You see a Lego piece at the bottom of a box at a garage sale and you immediately know what set it is from.

-You have dreams that your feet and butt have holes in them and your skin is bright yellow.

-You bring Lego pieces into the bathroom and play with them while you do your business.

-Your fingers become raw from too much Lego building.

-You go without food for more than one meal because your busy building.

-You have to clear a path through the Lego to get to your bed every night. You also line the path with assorted glow-in-the-dark Lego pieces, creating a runway effect.

-If given enough bricks, you would start a housing development.

-Your date with your girlfriend consists of you showing her your entire lego collection and teaching her what SNOT means.

Post-Apocalyptic Warspace

Hey, life is even tougher in a post-apocalyptic world than it is now! Who knew? Hunted by giant robots, scrambling over the wreck of a former civilisation, trying to create your own, new government...
Oh wait a minute, I'm getting carried away. Just read Nightfall by Isaac Asimov. Pretty much the same, but without the giant robots...and the Lego, of course!
I really like this creation. Ever since that post-apocalyptic robot model a few months back, I've been in love with the idea of apocalyptic happenings and the life and events which may follow them. Apart from Doomsday. That's a stupid film.
See more angles of this vignette here , or see more from its maker, The Legohaulic .